Today's Store Hours: 9:00 am - 8:00 pm

Juice Bar & Eatery: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm


oct blog

In last month’s newsletter (read here), the health dangers of consuming polyunsaturated fats were discussed along with why linoleic acid is so unhealthy. If polyunsaturated fats are so unhealthy, which oils are best to use? First, no oil is the best choice, but if you choose to use an oil, choose an organic or non-GMO monounsaturated oil, such as avocado, olive, almond, or peanut oil. Canola oil is a monounsaturated oil, but it is important to only use a non-GMO canola oil.

Saturated fats are more healthy than unsaturated fats. Examples of saturated fats are butter, ghee, tallow, lard, duck fat, coconut, and palm kernel oil. Saturated fats are stable and are solid at room temperature. Unsaturated fats are unstable and liquid at room temperature. Monounsaturated oils are more stable than polyunsaturated oils. Most nuts and seeds are sources of monounsaturated. Choose raw or dry roasted. A note about sesame oil which is equal monounsaturated and polyunsaturated.  Please use in moderation. There are no long-term studies, so use with caution in children and pregnant or breast-feeding women. It may have laxative effects.

Heating polyunsaturated and some monounsaturated fats will create potentially harmful free radicals. This is not true for saturated fats when heated. Polyunsaturated fats and margarine do not supply the important nutrients A, D and K.

In last month’s newsletter, the danger of consuming linoleic acid, which is a polyunsaturated fat, was discussed. It is important to adopt a low linoleic acid diet to avoid cancer, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, neurological illnesses, poor gut health and macular degeneration. Linoleic acid is predominantly found in polyunsaturated fats but is also present in monounsaturated fats and in saturated fats. For example, olive oil, palm oil and lard are composed of 10% linoleic acid. The three highest percentages of linoleic acid in oils are safflower (78%), grapeseed (73%) and sunflower oil (68%).

For further information on fats and oils, please visit where you will find a wealth of information. Please email Rick at with any questions or comments.

Richard S Montieth

Founder and Co-Owner

Rick has been the back bone of this business since it was born in 1973. His extensive knowledge has made him the number one favorite of customers and employees alike. Joined by his two sons, Brett and Andrew, Rick enjoys helping customers with their health and wellness needs and contributing to the health of the community.

Today's Store Hours: 9:00 am - 8:00 pm

Juice Bar & Eatery: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm