Today's Store Hours: 9:00 am - 8:00 pm

Juice Bar & Eatery: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

How Can CBD Benefit Me?


Recent changes in legislation regarding the regulation of CBD oil have made it officially legal to sell and purchase the oils in Indiana, which has opened up a myriad of options for consumers.  With options such as tinctures, edibles, powders, salves, and vapes, in addition to the traditional oils, attempting to choose the right form of supplement can feel a bit daunting.  Add to this misunderstanding, and a lack of general knowledge of the advantages and uses of CBD, and it’s no wonder that many people are still reluctant to try the supplements.  If you fall into this camp, but are still interested in the benefits of CBD supplements, read below to find out how CBD might best positively impact your health.

General Health Benefits
The first thing to know about CBD oil is that the term CBD actually refers to the104 chemical compounds known as “cannabinoids” found in the hemp plant.  These chemicals have been used for years for a myriad of purposes, and are highly prized for their efficacy, without the mind-altering effects of THC, the psychoactive chemical in cannabis.  In fact, according to registered dietician Jillian Kubala, in a February, 2018 article for, there are 6 main, evidence supported, benefits to using CBD products, these are:

  1. Pain Relief – Studies have shown that CBD may help reduce chronic pain by helping receptors in our nervous systems bind to special chemicals called “endocannabinoids”, which can reduce inflammation and reduce pain response. Clinical trials have shown reduction in pain related to both multiple sclerosis and arthritis.
  2. Helping Treat Neurological Disorders – Because of cannabinoids’ ability to help endocannabinoid and other receptors in the brain better send and receive signals, CBD has shown promise in helping to treat spasms in patients with MS, as well as alleviate seizures in epilepsy patients. CBD has also been shown to help alleviate symptoms of both Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases, due to its ability to help nerve receptors fire, as well as reduce inflammation. While sample sizes are still small in these studies, and some adverse side effects have been noted, the results are still very promising.
  3. Reduction of Anxiety and Depression – These disorders are routinely treated with pharmaceuticals, which can have a number of negative side effects, from sleep disorders to agitation, to sexual dysfunction. CBD, on the other hand, has shown promise in treating anxiety, insomnia, and PTSD in clinical studies, by affecting the brains serotonin receptors, without any of the negative side effects.
  4. Alleviating Cancer Symptoms – CBD oils have been shown to help alleviate nausea and discomfort associated with chemotherapy, helping patients tolerate the treatment. It has also been shown to cause cell death in breast cancer cells in both humans and mice, though more tests need to be done before this evidence is considered conclusive.
  5. A Clearer Complexion – CBD oil has been shown to fight inflammation and reduce sebum production in the skin, two major contributors to Acne outbreaks.
  6. Keeping Your Heart Healthy – High blood pressure has long been one of the major indicators of poor heart health. This is because it puts added stress on the circulatory system, which can eventually lead to failure. Luckily, CBD has been shown to attack high blood pressure from two different angles.  First, CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties help to alleviate pressure in veins and arteries.  Second, CDB has been shown to help reduce outside factors, such as stress, creating a powerful one-two punch.
  7. Helping With A Myriad Other Health Issues – Yes, I know I said that there were 6 benefits, but there is new and emerging data that CBD can also help to alleviate many other conditions, though more study is needed. Some of these conditions include insomnia, (wouldn’t it be nice to sleep a little better), addictive tendencies, and even diabetes, due to its anti-inflammatory and receptor binding properties.

What Options Do I Have?
If what we’ve mentioned above has peaked your interest, and you’re ready to give CBD a try, the next question you may have is, “What form is best for me?”  CBD comes in many forms from oils and tinctures, to powders, salves, and edibles, and while that may seem overwhelming, the answer to that question might be, “All of the above.”

Each form of CBD has a specific benefit, so here’s a quick run-down:

  1. Oils – These are probably the most widely known and used forms of CBD, likely because they are so versatile and easy to use. From using topically on inflamed skin, to adding to food, to taking as an oral supplement, oils are easy to administer and fairly fast acting.
  2. Tinctures – These are similar to oils, but are diluted in a carrier solution. Tinctures are specifically designed for adding to food or drink.
  3. Vape Oil – Much like a tincture, this form of CBD takes pure oil and mixes it with vaping liquid, making it easy to administer and fast acting.
  4. Powders and Edibles – These supplements are made from ground hemp or oils added to a pre-packaged food. The concentration of cannabinoids in these products is generally lower than in a pure oil, but the powders are easy to cook with, and digestion of both can help the effects of the CBD to last longer.
  5. Salves – CBD slaves take pure oil and add them to a carrier balm to be used topically. These products work only right where you need them, and are great for treating inflamed or irritated skin.

If you’re interested in more information about how CBD supplements can help you support your health goals, check-in with the staff at Georgetown Market.  They’re knowledgeable and ready to help you find the right high-quality, natural CBD supplement to help meet your needs.

Today's Store Hours: 9:00 am - 8:00 pm

Juice Bar & Eatery: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm