Little did we know that when the Indiana ATC, operating under the incorrect belief that cannabis is cannabis, raided a grocery store last summer on the south side of Indy of their CBD products that in 9 months a bill would pass 97-0 in the legislature that would make CBD from industrial hemp legal to buy and use. Shortly after the raid virtually all retail stores made the decision not to sell CBD products due to the uncertainty surrounding the legal status of CBD derived from hemp. Except Georgetown Market. Because we do not fall under the jurisdiction of the ATC (we don’t sell tobacco or alcohol) the decision was made to continue selling CBD products. We all have endured the risk of raids, the state Attorney General stating it was his opinion that CBD was not legal, and the Governor issuing a directive to the Excise Police to perform normal, periodic regulatory spot checks of CBD oil products for 60 days. At the last hour of the recent legislative session a bill was passed allowing CBD from hemp with allowance of up to .3% THC. Finally! Now we can focus on helping customers who are looking for a safe solution to pain, anxiety, depression, neurological disorders, sleep issues and immune deficiencies to name a few.
Our Natural Living staff has helped countless customers who needed guidance with dosage, delivery systems, and usage. Our store conducted 5 consumer classes to provide education on CBD. We have witnessed life changing situations with the use of CBD from hemp. We even heard from customers who use CBD for their pets. One customer named Max said he adopted a 4 year old rescue dog who had epilepsy and was experiencing 6 to 8 seizures every 12 hours. After starting CBD oil his dog had only two seizures in the last 5 months from when we spoke with him. He was administering a half a dropper of a 300mg CBD oil twice a day.
We are honored that when people think of CBD oil they think of Georgetown Market. We carefully choose the brands we stock. Does your brand have third party independent testing to ensure its quality? If you want expert guidance, wide selection and quality CBD oil products, come see us.
Thank you Representative Jim Lucas, Senator Jim Tomes, the Indiana Hemp Industries Association, Austin Rhodus, WTHR reporter Bob Segall, WISH reporter David Williams, Dr. Matt Andry, Dr. Richard Feldman, CV Sciences and their legal counsel and especially the parents of neurologically impaired children who fought the fight to get CBD oil derived from hemp officially legalized in Indiana. Thank you very much for your efforts.