Today's Store Hours: 9:00 am - 8:00 pm

Juice Bar & Eatery: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

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Homeopathic Medicine

Homeopathic medicine has been practiced in the US for well over a century but currently is under attack by our FDA.  Homeopathic medicine is not herbs, not supplements, not essential oils, and should not be confused with the term ‘holistic’.  It is a system of medicine that is fundamentally different than conventional medicine. Allopathic medicine […]

Have You Heard of Essiac?

If you are a student of herbs, chances are you are familiar with the combination of herbs that comprise the Essiac product. The history of Essiac began with Rene Caisse’s chance encounter with a woman who reportedly was cured from breast cancer by an Ojibwa Indian medicine man in 1922. If you have not made […]

Healthy Food Trends to Look out for in 2020

Today’s population is increasingly conscientious of the choices they make when it comes to food for a number of reasons. It may be for health and wellness, sustainability, or social issues. In response to those demands, many food manufacturers and grocery stores are providing more and more options to accommodate their needs. What would the […]

Sulfur: Vital For Life

Coincidence?  In 1954 the US government instructed the agricultural industry to begin using chemical fertilizers.  Since 1954 the rates of disease have shot up about 4000%. These fertilizers are devoid of sulfur due to the 360-degree temperatures used for production.  This process vaporizes sulfur and binds up any free sulfur.  Fertilizers such as ammonium nitrates […]

What Is Benfotiamine?

Strange name, right? Benfotiamine (bin-fo-tie-a-mean) is a derivative of vitamin B-1 and has been researched in Japan and Europe for a number of years but not well known in the US until recently. What may it help? The list is long. It can produce beneficial effects on general nerve health, sciatica, neuropathy, retinopathy, nephropathy, polyneuropathy, […]

Locally Sourced, Beyond the Label

Today, we are seeing increased interest and demand for locally grown and produced goods, especially in the areas of food and beverages. What’s the reason for this increased demand? Honestly, it’s hard to identify just one because there are many benefits that come with local sourcing. Local partnership is more than just a trend; they […]

Safe, Effective Cellular Detoxification

When you think of doing a detox, what comes to mind? Colon detox, blood detox, liver detox or even a whole body detox? Those are called ‘downstream’ detoxifying. According to Dr. Dan Pompa, the more effective approach to detoxification is ‘upstream’ or at the cellular level. Makes sense! If there are toxins at the cellular […]

Today's Store Hours: 9:00 am - 8:00 pm

Juice Bar & Eatery: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm